
Images that will Inspire for Generations to Come

Faith and Trust

Faith and Trust

Having our faith carried to new heights!

A story about a man, a wheelbarrow and a rope across a canyon illustrates the Biblical meaning of “faith and trust” and how we can gain safe passage across the canyons of our lives!

The story that inspired this image…

A traveler, hiking through the wilderness, came to the edge of a canyon. Seeking a way to the other side, he discovered a big rope stretched across the canyon. As his eyes followed the rope toward the other side, he was surprised to see a man coming toward him, confidently pushing a wheelbarrow. As he arrived, the traveler exclaimed, “That was truly amazing!”

The man with the wheelbarrow asked, “Do you believe that I can do it again?”

“Oh, of course,” the traveler replied. “You walked across with such confidence.”

“Do you really believe I can do it again?” asked the man with the wheelbarrow.”

“Definitely,” replied the traveler.“

“Very good, then,” said the man with the wheelbarrow. “Hop in and I will take you across.”

Many of us look at God the same way we look at the man with the wheelbarrow. We say we have faith that God can do anything. Yet, when it comes time to get in the wheelbarrow, our faith begins to dwindle.

The scriptures are full of stories of faith and trust. The blind man, Bartimaeus, had such faith in Jesus that he was given sight. Jairus’ faith resulted in the healing of his daughter; and the woman, whose faith made her relentless in her pursuit to touch the hem of Jesus’ robe, received healing.

Are we relentless in our pursuit of Him? Or, do we stand at the edge of the canyon wishing we could get across? Having experienced so many of God’s promises, surely we can trust Him to carry us across this tightrope we call life.

Matthew 17:20

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Many of us look at God the same way we look at the man with the wheelbarrow. We say we have faith that God can do anything. Yet, when it comes time to get in the wheelbarrow, our faith begins to dwindle.

Matthew 17:20


In our video, Michael greatly expands the message above and takes you behind-the-scenes in Italy as the image was produced.
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