
Images that will Inspire for Generations to Come


Preview The Film Series


“RSVP” reveals an invitation to the greatest party that will ever be given based on the promise and warning Jesus conveys in his “Parable of the Banquet.”


In “Compassion,” Michael uses the story of the “Woman at the Well” to explore the dangers of judging others especially when you havenʼt “walked in their shoes!”

Best is Yet to Come

“Best is Yet to Come,” is about Jesusʼ miracle of turning water to wine at a wedding in Cana and a relevant and inviting Eternal promise He reveals.

A Guide Book for the Films

Journeys with the Messiah’s new Film Series Guide Book was developed to take your experiences with Jesus to new heights by combining the visual experience of our films with the visual and auditory experience provided through our Guide Book.

In both, the content of the original messages depicted by the original Journeys images is greatly expanded. It is educational, it encourages, and, hopefully, it will inspire you by making it easy to share the images and stories with others. Find out more about the Guide Book, or purchase it today: