What portraits of Jesus hang on the walls of your mind?
Does He look joyful, loving, smiling, or even laughing?
Or is He somber, stern? Maybe even pointing His finger at you?
Sadly, many people have the wrong idea about Jesus and the difference He can make in their life. They see Christianity as a set of rules we must follow with our thoughts and behavior in order to avoid hell.
While it’s true that God forbids some things because He wants us to reflect Him and His character, His emphasis is on freedom, not restriction. God does not quench the human heart. He sets it free!
God does not quench the human heart.
He sets it free!
More than anything, God wants you to know Him…the real Him.
When Jesus became human, He made it possible for humans to see God. Jesus said, “If you have seen me, you have seen the Father.” He became one of us—His creation—so that we could relate to Him. The problem is, most people can’t see how first century Jesus can possibly be relevant today.
Oh, but He most certainly is! And that is why I created the photographs and short films about the parables of Jesus, known as Journeys with the Messiah.
“Whoever boasts must boast in this: that he understands and knows me.”
Jeremiah 9:23-24
Journeys with the Messiah brings Jesus to life!
Jesus spoke in parables—earthly stories with a heavenly meaning—so that people could understand his teachings. You may wonder how the Parable of the Talents or The Woman at the Well might apply to your life. Let me show you.
We spent almost two years creating 34 short films (average 8 to 10 minutes each) so that you can take 34 unique and potentially life-changing journeys with Jesus and experience His teachings from a fresh and inviting perspective. You’ll explore things like:
- The gift found in forgiving others;
- Where to find rest from the weight of the baggage of your life;
- How to pray for your “daily bread” without worrying about “tomorrow’s bread”;
- How to find the path to peace during the inevitable storms of life; and
- How to have the “winning hand”, even when you’ve been dealt lousy cards.
One woman from Jerusalem shared, “Your Journeys with the Messiah collection SO captures the Spirit of Jesus! When I watch your short films and read your book, I just sit in awe: ‘I know that Man…it’s Him…it’s the Messiah!’”
God wants you to know Him—by knowing Jesus.
The films come with a Guide Book!
Seeing a film and reading the book about the film offers a greater experience than either the film or book can provide on its own. So our new Film Series and Guide Book work in tandem to take you on an exciting journey of discovery with Jesus.
As Max Lucado says in his book, Jesus, “The Maker of life is willing to be our teacher. Jesus came as our guide. He reveals wisdom and truth. We can know, not just facts about God, but his heart, his joy, his passion, his plan, and his sorrows. We are not left alone in our wanderings and wonderings. We have a teacher. His name is Jesus.”
Are you ready to go on a journey with Jesus?
Whether you are studying alone or in a group, our Guide Book will help you make the most of the Journeys with the Messiah Films. The Guide Book and Films are wonderful for Bible studies and Small Groups with people of all ages, and they make sharing your faith easy.