
Images that will Inspire for Generations to Come

Lighten the Load

Lighten the Load

Support for when life is weighing you down!

In “Lighten the Load,” Michael “unpacks” Jesus’ instructions about the amount of “baggage” we gather in life and what to do when life’s baggage is weighing you down!

The story that inspired this image…

Who among us is without burdens? From a delayed flight to a late mortgage payment, a term paper due on Friday or a seriously ill family member, all of us have times when we are disheartened and discouraged along our way, sometimes to the point of “spiritual bankruptcy.”

Jesus sends an invitation: “Come to Me all who labor and are heavy laden and I will give you rest… For My yoke is easy to bear, and the burden I give you is light.”

I know a unique word not found in the dictionary: “Efforting.” It means struggling unnecessarily in an effort to do something. It could be illustrated by pushing a car to your destination when it would be much easier to start the engine and drive it.

When I find myself “efforting,” I think of Jesus’ invitation to let Him take the heavy part of the yoke, leaving me the lighter side. He does not necessarily say that He will carry all of my baggage. Yet, He does promise that when we accept His invitation, He will gladly lighten our load.

Matthew 11:28-30

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When I am burdened, I think of Jesus’ invitation to let Him take the heavy part of the yoke, leaving me the lighter side. He does not necessarily say that He will carry all of my baggage. Yet, He does promise that when we accept His invitation, He will gladly lighten our load.

Matthew 11:28-30


In our video, Michael greatly expands the message above and takes you behind-the-scenes in Italy as the image was produced.
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