
Images that will Inspire for Generations to Come


You Feed Them – Fine Art


Share your faith while enhancing your home or office. Our Fine Art images are custom printed on mould-made cotton rag paper with museum-quality archival inks. Each image is offered in three sizes and signed and numbered by the artist. Prices for each image have been pre-predetermined based on the remaining number of prints in the edition. Prices increase as the editions sell out. Available in original sepia or full color with different version from the same setting.

This image also available as budget-friendly Poster Print

The story that inspired this image…

On two occasions, Jesus performed miracles by feeding thousands of people with a few loaves of bread and a few fish. Leading up to one of these miracles, just after Jesus had completed teaching His followers, His disciples came to Him, suggesting that He send the crowds away so they could find food and lodging.

Instead of sending them away, Jesus responded to the disciples with a message that continues to echo throughout the world today, “You feed them.” Their answer: “But we have only five loaves of bread and two fish…” to that, most of us can add, nice homes, savings accounts and well-stocked pantries…or, as the disciples continued, “are you expecting us to go buy enough food for this whole crowd.” Jesus answer to them, and likewise His answer to us, was simple, but adamant, “Yes, you feed them. I expect nothing less.”

Matthew 14:15-18