
Images that will Inspire for Generations to Come

The Promise

Will God throw His creation away?

In “The Promise,” Michael explores Jesus’ glorious promise to us when the world comes to an end as we know it!

The story that inspired this image…

Along my journey with Christ, I read something I have remembered for twenty years.

In its essence, it says that for all people who are disheartened by the tragedies of life, Heaven will offer something far more substantial than what we have experienced on earth. It will include perfect health, pleasure and peace and that there is no hope, nothing to hang on to if we do not believe this. The message went on to explain that, although we will experience difficult times, they are only temporary. “What we feel now, we will not always feel. Our disappointment is itself an aching for something better.”

Life on earth is short and our disappointments are temporary, but there is hope. In Revelation, Jesus mentions a new heaven and a new earth and makes a substantial promise, “Behold, I make all things new.”

Revelation 21:5

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For all people who are disheartened by the tragedies of life, Heaven will offer something far more substantial than what we have experienced on earth.

Revelation 21:5


In our video, Michael greatly expands the message above and takes you behind-the-scenes in Italy as the image was produced.
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