
Images that will Inspire for Generations to Come



In “Vacancy,” Michael presents a barbaric instrument of execution to explore what is available to us when we “check in” at the cross of Jesus. The story that inspired this image… Who, but the God of all imagination, could take the cross, the most barbaric tool of execution, and turn it into a symbol of

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“RSVP” reveals an invitation to the greatest party that will ever be given based on the promise and warning Jesus conveys in his “Parable of the Banquet.” The story that inspired this image… While dining at the home of a prominent Pharisee, Jesus told a parable about a man who planned a great banquet and

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The video Embrace, like the original image, places Jesus among friends of other religions. It asks, “Are Christians the only ones going to Heaven” and explores Jesus answer. The story that inspired this image… Jesus did not come to start a religion. He came to start a revolution — a revolutionary way of living through

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