
Images that will Inspire for Generations to Come


Last Supper – Poster


In remembrance…

Read the story that inspired this image below.

This custom Giclée poster print (pronounced gee-klay) is printed with archival inks on age-resistant paper and is available in three (3) standard sizes. No custom framing necessary. Available in original sepia or full color.

Each print is individually custom printed and ships within five (5) days of your order.

The story that inspired this image…

On the night before His arrest, during the Passover meal that Christians now call “The Last Supper,” Jesus rose from the table, poured water into a basin and got on His knees to wash the feet of His disciples. As their leader, it was an unusual gesture, perhaps like a country’s President washing the feet of his Cabinet.

Upon returning to his place at the table, He said to His disciples, “Do you know what I have done to you? You call Me Teacher and Lord…for so I am. If I then, your Lord and Teacher have washed your feet, you also ought to wash one another’s feet. For I have given you an example, that you should do as I have done to you.” Then, He tells them that, if they will follow His example – an example of doing for others – they will be blessed.

Many Christians call Jesus “Teacher” and call Him “Savior,” yet do we allow Him to be the “Lord” of our life? Since so many of Jesus’ teachings go contrary to our human nature – putting ourselves before others – He is saying, “Learn from me as your Teacher. But, as your Lord, do as I tell you to do,” adding that we will be the ones who are blessed when we do.

John 13:12-17