
Images that will Inspire for Generations to Come

March 2022


In “Compassion,” Michael uses the famous story of the “Woman at the Well” to explore the dangers of judging others especially when you haven’t “walked in their shoes!” The story that inspired this image… There is a Gospel story about Jesus traveling through the region of Samaria where He encountered a woman alone at the

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As for Others

“As for Others” ventures into Jesus’ teachings on the “Parable of the Sheep & the Goats” — those He calls “righteous and unrighteous” and what makes them so. The story that inspired this image… Saying “I believe” something is a world apart from actually living out that belief by taking action. While teaching His disciples,

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Supernatural Peace

Michael uses a quote from Anne Morrow Lindbergh’s book, “Gift from the Sea,” to help explain the way to peace by learning to be content through our life with Jesus Christ. The story that inspired this image… The events of our lives seldom work out the way we plan. The trouble that “comes in threes”

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In “Quandary,” Jesus has a conversation with a rich young ruler and challenges him over the issue that will keep him from achieving his dream. The story that inspired this image… Jesus told a story about a rich young ruler who was intrigued by Jesus’ teachings and, in particular, His offer of eternal life. So,

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Life Savior

In “Life Savior,” Michael explores Jesus’ teachings on how to keep from drowning in life when we “get in over our heads!” The story that inspired this image… Many years ago, on a blustery day, I headed out for a late afternoon walk on our beautiful beach. As I approached the water, I heard the

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Holy Abundance

Michael uses powerful imagery to illustrate God’s plan to provide for the world, showing that God has not left the world lacking in abundance, though there may be something we lack! The story that inspired this image… The World Health Organization reports that two-thirds of the world’s population is under-fed or starving. Every day, 16,000

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Daily Bread

In “Daily Bread,” Michael focuses on a portion of the “Lord’s Prayer” and how understanding Jesus’ teaching on it can change our lives. The story that inspired this image… As the stock markets crashed in the fall of 2008, I panicked as I saw my life savings evaporate before my eyes. Almost half of everything

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